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I love to read. It's enjoyable and relaxing for me, but it's also a way to sharpen my mind, strengthen my beliefs, and serve the people I know and love. To serve you I've decided to share a monthly summary of my top three recommended books. These represent three books I read in the previous month that I believe would most benefit you. Many of them can be found in our PBC bookstall, so let us know if you'd like to purchase one there. I hope they are a blessing to you. 




#1 Delighting in the Trinity: An Introduction to the Christian Faith by Michael Reeves

Perhaps more than any other, the one doctrine that sets Christianity apart from other worldviews and religions is the doctrine of the Trinity. The idea that God is a three-personal Being is unprecedented in any belief system. Ever. Within Christianity, hundreds of cults and heresies have sprung up through the millennia, often because of confusion regarding this doctrine. Today many professing Christians ignore or overlook the doctrine of the Trinity. It’s too abstract, too complex, too cerebral, too mind-warpingly mysterious.

Michael Reeves aims to correct that imbalance. Rather than viewing the Trinity as an optional appendage to Christianity, Reeves presents it as the foundational doctrine it truly is. Rather than leaving this doctrine for Ivory tower theologians who want to dive deep, Reeves invites all believers to bask in the glories of a three-personal God.

It’s no accident that Reeves’ subtitle is “An Introduction to the Christian Faith.” After all, understanding the Trinity should be introductory. It’s foundational. It’s essential. And Reeves unpacks and explains the Trinity with winsome wit, a sanctified imagination, historical-rootedness, and a compelling clarity that invites you to know God better and delight in Him more fully. Highly recommend this book!


#2 Your Verdict on the Empty Tomb by Val Grieve

This little book is a great resource on defending the resurrection. For many years author Val Grieve was a lawyer, so he structures his book as if the reader is a member of the jury and the case before him is whether or not the resurrection really happened. Short, clear, thorough, and compelling, this book is a powerful tool to bolster your own faith in the resurrection. Even better, share the book with your skeptical friends as you strive to win them for Jesus.


#3 What Does the Bible Really Teach about Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung

Few topics in our culture are more controversial than homosexuality and the Bible. Is homosexuality really a sin? Are Christians bigots? Have Christians got it wrong throughout the years? Is the church on the wrong side of history? These questions and more are answered by Kevin DeYoung in this immensely helpful book. Virtually every Christian who desires to hold fast to God's Word will be challenged on this issue. Don't allow the world to squeeze you into its mold. Instead dive into what God's Word says about this issue. This little book is a great place to start.