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The most important thing you can talk about when sharing your personal testimony is the Gospel of Jesus. Whatever you do, clearly tell the Good News about Jesus. Jesus suffered and died in our place. Three days later He rose from the dead. He’s the hero! Not you, not me, not Paul. We’re saved because of Jesus. You may have walked an aisle, but you did it because of Jesus. You may have a boring testimony, and that’s because of Jesus. Whatever you talk about, talk clearly about Jesus.

I’ve been telling you for four years I want every member at PBC to be able to pass the 4 A.M. Test. Here’s the test: if I came in your room at 4 A.M. and blew an airhorn and shouted, “What is the Gospel?” would you be able to clearly answer me? Do you know the Gospel so well that even in a startled, half-awake stupor you could recite it?

At PBC we often explain the Gospel using four C’s. It begins with God, the holy Creator. Even though our first parents were in a garden paradise, they still disobeyed God. Now the Curse of sin has spread to all humanity. But God loved the world so much He sent His Son, Jesus the Christ to live a sinless life and die a sinner’s death and rise from death so that whoever Calls on Jesus in repentance and faith can be saved from God’s righteous wrath.

Whatever you do, speak this Gospel message clearly when you share your testimony. It’s the Gospel, not your story, that is the power of God unto salvation. When you speak your testimony, speak the Gospel clearly.