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We thank you, Lord, for the men and women in law enforcement protecting our nation.  We are particularly grateful for those serving Poquoson and the Hampton Roads community.

Thank you for their willingness to answer the call to protect and serve, and for their dedication to the safety, well-being, and protection of others. 

Father we ask that You keep watch over them. Defend them day by day with your heavenly grace; strengthen them in their trials and temptations; fill them with wisdom for the decisions they face; give them courage to handle the perils before them; and grant them a sense of your abiding presence wherever they may be.

Lord, police officers’ days are filled with uncertainties and unknowns as they make quick and often life-changing or life-threatening decisions. Help them to be wise and invoke all their training and experience before acting or speaking.  Help them remember their protocols and give them the courage to do the right thing for the best outcome.  God, grant them compassion when they determine there is no ill intent but also a keen awareness for deception.  Help them to see all people as Your image bearers, and don’t let their hearts become hardened and calloused by the challenging people and situations they encounter daily. 

Lord, bring unity and synergy to these men and women as they guard each other’s lives while working together to keep the streets of their communities safe and free of crime.  Lord bless them mightily as they persevere in the difficult task of protecting and defending our communities.

In Jesus’ name,
