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Dear PBC Family:

In light of recent CDC and Virginia announcements regarding face masks and distancing, the PBC elders are removing all church-wide face mask and distancing recommendations effective immediately and leaving such measures up to each individual conscience. In some circumstances it may still be advisable for an individual to wear a mask (see CDC guidance for your individual situation).


We realize some may still have trepidation about gathering under these circumstances. If you feel this way, please share your concerns with an elder. Of course, anyone is permitted to continue wearing a mask onsite if they feel more comfortable doing so. If you see someone wearing a mask at PBC, respect their freedom to do so and do your best to socially distance from that person unless they tell you otherwise. 


Over the past year, PBC has attempted to follow the CDC guidelines to the best of our ability. Our approach has not been to police these guidelines, but to gently encourage you to follow them. Although we haven't been perfect, we've persevered. Even more importantly, we've done so without compromising our unity in the Gospel. That alone should make every PBC member feel incredibly grateful to the Lord and His grace in our midst.


Soli Deo Gloria.