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A beautiful wife is a submissive wife. That’s the truth we’ve been uncovering this week from 1 Peter 3:1-7. Perhaps you’re wondering, “what’s in it for me?” This seems far too hard, far too controversial, far too painful. “Don’t you know how much of a mess my husband would make of things if I gave him the reins?” Let me show you two beautifully glorious effects of biblical submission. Here’s what can happen if you’re faithful to obey God’s Word:  

God Can Use Your Submission to Change Your Husband’s Heart

Look at 1 Peter 3:1, Likewise, wives, be subject to your own husbands, so that even if some do not obey the word, they may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives.

Did you catch that, sisters? Biblical submission is not weakness. It is true strength. It is heart-changing strength. God can use your submission to change the heart of a hardened husband. If God can change the heart of an unbelieving husband, how much more can he change the heart of a believing husband? Dear sister, I promise you this: God is more powerful to change your husband’s heart than you are. You may be able to change his behavior, but you cannot change his heart.

But there’s a second effect that biblical submission has. This effect is directed not at your husband, but at you.  

God Can Use Your Submission to Grant You Assurance

Look at the end of 1 Peter 3:6. Peter is talking about the example of Sarah and he says this, And you are her children, if you do good and do not fear anything that is frightening. For these sisters to be considered daughters of Sarah is a remarkable thing! They have been grafted into the covenant people of God! All the promises of God are now “yes” for them! Oh my, this is a glorious truth! But notice how this happens. Peter says, “if you do good and do not fear.” He is not saying that we are saved by our obedience. He is saying that our obedience is the evidence of our salvation. Rescued people live differently. If you’ve been rescued by Jesus, sister, you will look different.

As you submit your assurance will grow. You will see God moving in your life. You’ll see evidence of change. You’ll notice that you’re not the person you used to be. You’ll find yourself thinking and behaving with a godly maturity that is not natural for you. And in all these things God will strengthen your confidence that you belong to Him. You’ve been adopted into Abraham and Sarah’s family.